Page 110 - GREC14N EFL_04
P. 110
Airport Guide | Information & Services
newspapers, cigarettes and quality ingredients are baked PRICELIST P1 / ΤΙΜΟΚΑΤΑΛΟΓΟΣ P1
tobacco, books and gifts as throughout the day.
well as a wide range of well- DURATION / ΔΙΆΡΚΕΙΆ PRICE / ΤΙΜΉ
known F&B products. STAR CHIPS-CHIPS & Until 20 minutes / Έως 20 λεπτά Free
BURGER / Δωρεάν
RESTAURANTS & CAFES Departures, Airside 20 minutes - 1 hour / 20’ - 1 ώρα 3€
Delicious treats and aromatic Star Chips is a counter service 1 - 2 hours / 1 - 2 ώρες 4€
coffee await you here! style offering travellers the
rich full flavours of burgers 2 - 3 hours / 2 - 3 ώρες 4,50€
EVEREST accompanied by the classic 3 - 5 hours / 3 - 5 ώρες 5€
Airside and All Users Area potato chips. Star Chips is 5 -7 hours / 5 -7 ώρες 5,50€
Everest is a leading brand characterized by its simple yet
in the Greek snack & coffee delicious approach to cooking 7 - 10 hours / 7 - 10 ώρες 6€
market that has been resulting to awesome burgers. 10 - 15 hours / 10 - 15 ώρες 7€
operating for over 50 years.
Although the brand is mostly BEER HOUSE 15 - 24 hours / 15 - 24 ώρες 9€
known for its trademark Departures, External Area 1 - 2 days / 1 - 2 μέρες 16€
sandwich and innovative The Beer House is a 2 - 3 days / 2 - 3 μέρες 20€
pastry products, it has also concept that awaits you
managed to establish itself in to enjoy authentic recipes, 3 - 4 days / 3 - 4 μέρες 24€
the demanding coffee market. accompanied by a wide range 4 - 5 days / 4 - 5 μέρες 28€
Adapting to and meeting the of beer, wine, as well as hot Each additional day (after 5th day) / Επιπλέον μέρα (με-
customers’ needs constitute and cold beverages in a cosy τά την 5η) +4€
the core of the brand’s DNA. and welcoming environment. 1 month / 1 μήνας 100€
Departures, All Users Area, Departures, All Users Area DURATION / ΔΙΆΡΚΕΙΆ PRICE / ΤΙΜΉ
Mezzanine Level Forno Luca is a brand new
The Ontime café-bar Italian-concept store, that Until 1 hour / Έως 1 ώρα 3€
restaurant located in the first offers travellers an authentic 1 - 2 hours / 1 - 2 ώρες 4€
floor of the airport offers Italian food & coffee
authentic Greek flavours, experience. Visitors can enjoy 2 - 3 hours / 2 - 3 ώρες 4,50€
as well as a wide variety of a slice of the genuine Italian 3 - 5 hours / 3 - 5 ώρες 5€
traditional Corfiot dishes, pizza, focaccia, fresh salads 5 - 7 hours / 5 - 7 ώρες 5,50€
prepared with fresh local and sandwiches with Italian
ingredients and lot of love! based bread selections, 7 - 10 hours / 7 - 10 ώρες 6€
but also more unusual, 10 - 15 hours / 10 - 15 ώρες 7€
UPPER CRUST interesting-to-explore
Departures, Airside recipes. 15 - 24 hours / 15 - 24 ώρες 9€
A fast urban bakery brand, 1 - 2 days / 1 - 2 μέρες 16€
focused around hero bread STARBUCKS
products –famous baguettes Departures, Airside 2 - 3 days / 2 - 3 μέρες 20€
and signature flatbreads. Our Starbucks is not just a 3 - 4 days / 3 - 4 μέρες 24€
extensive range means we will passionate purveyors of 4 - 5 days / 4 - 5 μέρες 28€
have something to appeal to coffee, but everything else
everyone, from familiar local that goes with a full and Each additional day (after 5th day) / Επιπλέον μέ- +4€
ρα (μετά την 5η)
flavours and recipes to classic rewarding coffeehouse 1 month / 1 μήνας 100€
sandwich combinations with experience. Travellers
broad international appeal. can please the taste buds coffee and juices, freshly ΚΑΤΑΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ HELLENIC
with a variety of expertly baked croissants, homemade DUTY FREE SHOPS
NEGRONI-ARTISAN ITALIAN roasted and richly brewed cakes, sweet tarts, Αναχωρήσεις, Περιοχή
PIZZA & PANINI coffee blends every time. savory pastry and croque Ελεγχόμενης Πρόσβασης
Departures, Airside A selection of premium monsieurs. Enjoy a light Σε ένα άνετο, σύγχρονο,
Negroni’s Pizza and paninis teas, fine pastries and other meal, with unique sandwich φιλικό περιβάλλον θα
are known and loved the delectable treats are offered compositions, fresh salads βρείτε ολοκληρωμένες
world over and, an easy in an inviting atmosphere and fruit salads, while do not συλλογές αρωμάτων και
choice for the multitude of with a genuine service that
international passengers at becomes a beacon for coffee forget to taste its famous καλλυντικών επώνυμων
an airport – there’s always lovers everywhere. sweets, including the special οίκων, σοκολατοειδή,
something for everyone. Our millefeuille & éclair, which are ελληνικά παραδοσιακά
pizzas are baked in the unit GRAIN DE BLE prepared daily and offered προϊόντα, παιχνίδια,
in our oven in front of the Departures, Airside always fresh! ηλεκτρονικά είδη, καπνικά
customer’s eyes. Negroni is Grain de Blé constitutes the είδη, οινοπνευματώδη, καθώς
your neighbourhood Italian point of reference for people ΑΓΟΡΕΣ & ΓΕΥΣΗ και όλες τις τελευταίες τάσεις
kitchen specializing in little who love French tastes. A στη μόδα των γυαλιών ηλίου,
Italian plates that are big new concept is ready to Γιατί το αεροδρόμιο είναι ρολογιών, κοσμημάτων και
on Italian flavour. Fresh, welcome you, starting early πολύ περισσότερα από αξεσουάρ σε ανταγωνιστικές
artisan pizzas with premium in the morning hours, with αφίξεις και αναχωρήσεις! τιμές!
110 GREC14N 2019