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Airport Guide | Information & Services
βοηθήσουν να εντοπίσετε CAR RENTAL ενδιαφέρουσες προτάσεις +30 6944585911
τα χαμένα σας αντικείμενα. ενοικίασης αυτοκινήτου. [email protected]
Για αντικείμενα που έχετε
ξεχάσει στο αεροσκάφος, A destination worth
παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε exploring by car. Do you want Arrivals, All Users
με την αεροπορική σας to get around easily, quickly Arrivals, All Users Αφίξεις, Περιοχή Ελεύθερης
εταιρεία. and on your own terms? Αφίξεις, Περιοχή Ελεύθερης Πρόσβασης
We have found the most
SHOP & DINE interesting car rental options Πρόσβασης +30 26820 25215
[email protected],
+30 26820 21555, +30
for you. Find out more about 6941466874 [email protected]
Because an airport is much your choices at the airport. [email protected]
more than departures and Έναν προορισμό αξίζει να τον
arrivals! εξερευνήσεις με αυτοκίνητο.
Θέλετε να μετακινηθείτε Arrivals, All Users
SHOP εύκολα, γρήγορα και
HELLENIC DUTY FREE σύμφωνα με τους δικούς Arrivals, All Users Αφίξεις, Περιοχή Ελεύθερης
SHOPS Αφίξεις, Περιοχή Ελεύθερης Πρόσβασης
Departures, Airside Area σας όρους; Φροντίσαμε για Πρόσβασης +30 26820 26116
In a cozy, friendly, easy to εσάς και βρήκαμε τις πιο +30 26820 24124, [email protected]
shop environment you will
find a breathtaking selection
of all well-known brands QU CAFÉ Delicious pasta, delicious HELLENIC DUTY FREE
of perfumes & cosmetics, External Area pizzas and fancy salads! SHOPS
confectionery, Hellenic QU CAFÉ welcomes you to Small sweet sins such as Αναχωρήσεις, Περιοχή
gourmet, toys, electronics, a unique world of snacks tiramisu and panacota Ελεγχόμενης Πρόσβασης
tobacco, spirits, as well as and beverages. Offering made with authentic Italian Σε ένα άνετο, σύγχρονο,
all the final fashion trends outstanding quality recipes. Don’t leave our φιλικό περιβάλλον θα
of sunglasses, watches and combined with quick and place without trying it! βρείτε ολοκληρωμένες
accessories in competitive polite service is our main συλλογές αρωμάτων και
prices! concern. Relax and enjoy the IL GELATO καλλυντικών επώνυμων
unique taste of your coffee, Departures, Airside οίκων, σοκολατοειδή,
TOP TREND your favourite beverage Enjoy summer and cool ice ελληνικά παραδοσιακά
Departures, All Users Area or refreshment. A quick cream flavours at the new προϊόντα, παιχνίδια,
Traditional Greek products snack or a pastry is always shop at Aktion Airport. ηλεκτρονικά είδη, καπνικά
and more. A visit to our a popular option which is Made with passion and είδη, οινοπνευματώδη, καθώς
shop “top trend” will combined perfectly with the purest ingredients, our και όλες τις τελευταίες τάσεις
charm you. Visitors here all our fresh made sweets! ice cream will offer you στη μόδα των γυαλιών ηλίου,
will be able to find a great Phone: +30 2682 306701 moments of enjoyment and ρολογιών, κοσμημάτων και
selection of traditional local coolness after a long trip. αξεσουάρ σε ανταγωνιστικές
Greek products, handmade RED OAK What better way is there to τιμές!
items suitable for presents, Departures, Airside start your summer vacation
accessories and jewellery Wide selection of beers, hot or to continue any other TOP TREND
designed in the ancient dogs, unique burger and activity you have? Αναχωρήσεις, Περιοχή
Greek style. They can also cool salads! A fragrance Ελεύθερης Πρόσβασης
find a wide variety of hats, of England in a corner of QU BAKERY Παραδοσιακά ελληνικά
scarves and articles of Greece! Departures, All Users Area
clothing. Phone: +30 2682 Sweet, syrupy, donuts,
029244 LITTLE GREECE pretzel, delicious sweets,
Departures, Airside sandwiches, cold salads, ATMs
Get served directly and
LA TIENDA A miniature of Greece at crispy breadcrumbs, tortillas easily. Eξυπηρετηθείτε
Arrivals, All Users Area one of its most beautiful all made with the finest and άμεσα και εύκολα.
Everything that a modern and historical spots! Taste most quality ingredients!
traveller needs can find it our traditional delicacies Do not forget to visit us Location at the Airport
at LA TIENDA at Aktion made with care and to try our fresh freshening Θέση στο Αεροδρόμιο
Airport. Tourist essentials, respect for tradition by our delights! Eurobank
drinks, cigarettes, gift items distinguished chef. All Users Area / Περιοχή
and everything you might ΑΓΟΡΕΣ & ΓΕΥΣΗ Ελεύθερης Πρόσβασης
have in mind, even the most LITTLE ITALY Euronet
demanding customer can Departures, Airside Γιατί το αεροδρόμιο είναι Arrivals, Airside & Arrivals,
find at our store! Air of Italy in a small corner πολύ περισσότερα από All Users / Αφίξεις, Περιοχή
We are waiting for you to of Greece! Aktion Airport αφίξεις και αναχωρήσεις! Ελεγχόμενης Πρόσβασης
& Αφίξεις, Περιοχή
meet us and to serve you hides a taste for the lovers Ελεύθερης Πρόσβασης
with smile and kindness! of neighbouring cuisine. ΚΑΤΑΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ
120 GREC14N 2019