Page 32 - GREC14N EFL_04
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In Conversation | Film director

         Vasilis Kekatos
         The awarded

         The recently awarded with the
         Palme d’Or in the Cannes Film
         Festival Kefalonian director
         talks to Grec14n. O προσφάτως
         βραβευµένος µε Χρυσό Φοίνικα
         στο Φεστιβάλ των Καννών,
         Κεφαλονίτης σκηνοθέτης µιλάει
         στο GREC14N.
         by Dimitris Golegos

        When he is not working on a
        new project, Vasilis Kekatos
        has the pleasure to watch his
        films screened on the most
        prestigious international film
        festivals celebrating silver screen.
        After the remarkable success
        of his short film “The Silence
        of the Dying Fish”, which was
        presented in competition in
        Sundance and Locarno, and
        received awards at the Drama
        International Short Film Festival   As a matter of fact, I have only   the way, I saw solitary gas stations
        and the Athens International Film   decided that I didn’t want to get   standing in the middle of nowhere,
        Festival respectively, the director from   involved with anything else. When I   in empty landscapes: that picture
        Kefalonia seduced also the French   dropped out of Law School, I knew   generated the idea of the story inside
        Riviera.                      that only something relative to art   me. Nothing poetic ever happens in
        He recently came back triumphant   would make me really happy. I could,   such places. Therefore, I thought that
        from the 72th Cannes Film Festival,   perhaps, have dealt with literature,   if I place in this environment two
        where his new short film “The   which remains my greatest love. Since   people who fall in love unexpectedly,
        Distance Between Us and the Sky”,   I cherish storytelling, I thought that   the next time I visit the place; it
        beside the award Queer Palm which   cinema would be the ideal means for   wouldn’t look so melancholic.
        is awarded to the LGBQT+ movies of   me to fulfil my purpose – yet, as a
        the competition won the Palm D’Or –   “newborn” art, cinema constitutes a   Which location on Kefalonia Island
        Short Film, thus writing history as the   vast uncharted route.   would you choose to film a movie of
        first Greek who is awarded the specific                     yours?
        prize.                        What inspired you to create “The   When it comes to Kefalonia, I
                                      Distance between us and the Sky”?   am keen to discover its hidden
        How did you decide to get involved   Travelling by car in the United States,   landscapes. That’s what I tried to do
        with cinema?                  I passed through several states. Along   with my previous film “The Silence

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