Page 70 - GREC14N EFL_04
P. 70
Shopping | Island stores
Clockwise from left: Marks & Spencer sandal. Karavomilos
lake near Sami village. Petani beach. Cave lake of Melissani.
Fiskardo village. Marks & Spencer hat. Grecian chic silk scarf
( Anna Maria’s Fiskardo shop.
The indulging side of the island hides many
surprises. Discover them in the most exclusive
addresses. Oι δρόµοι του νησιού κρύβουν
πολλές εκπλήξεις. Ανακαλύψτε τις στις πιο
επιλεγµένες διευθύνσεις.
70 GREC14N 2019