Page 43 - GREC14N_EFL_03
P. 43


                         What is the feeling of living to the beloved   House, but in the whole island of Corfu?
                         house of the Durrells?               Certainly, the 2005 BBC series My family and
                         It is very beautiful. I was enchanted from the   other animals, and now the ITV series The Dur-
                         moment I saw the house. Lawrence Durrell   rells has played major role in recognizing the is-
                         does it justice in his novels. Living here I had the   land of Corfu. Nevertheless, it is not the only
                         chance to meet remarkable people related to the   thing that keeps the Durrells’ aura alive. Many
                         Durrells, such as Richard Pine and the contribu-  events are often hold by many institutions of the
                         tors of the ITV series. I had the honour to meet   island, in which one can see and study the life of
                         Gerald’s wife, Lee Durrell, and many good writ-  that British family. We in the White House are
                         ers who were inspired by the White House, like   trying to give the visitor the opportunity to live,
                         Deborah Lawrenson.                   even for a few days, the majestic times the Dur-
                                                              rells experienced here, but also to feel the free-
                         For how many years now the White House op-  dom they felt.
                         erates as a hotel?
                         In 1980 it opened its doors as a hotel, and the   Beside accommodation in this famous house,
                         same time the restaurant opened in the ground   what else is included in the experience of The
                         floor. But its history starts in 1900, when it was   White House?
                         built. It was the only house in the area made   The visitor has the ability to rent a boat for a
                         exclusively from stone. The owners have not   tour in the small caves and the wonderful coasts
                         changed all the years of its existence. Before it   of the area, which are not accessible by any oth-
                         started operating as a hotel it was a coffee shop,   er way. Besides, this was one of the beloved hab-
                         the first in all the surrounding area.   its of the family. There is also a beautiful walk-
                                                              ing tour with a guide, called The Durrell’s Trail,
                         What were the requirements to keep the place   addressed to all ages. It is a mapped track Gerald
                         in the same state as when the British family   Durrell followed when he was discovering the flora
                         was leaving in?                      and the fauna of the area. With often stops the vis-
                         We tried to change nothing in the space and the   itor can enjoy the nature in all of its splendor. But
                         layout of the building remains the same. Dam-  even if someone does not stay here, there are cer-
                         aged places were replaced and modern devic-  tain dates when the house is open to the public, so
                         es are installed to make easier the contemporary   everyone can get an idea of how Lawrence Dur-
                         way of life, but the house has not lost any of its   rell lived.
                         finesse, evident through many personal objects
                         of the Durrells, such as the typewriter, the rock   Do you think the house can take the inner
                         chair and the paintings.             writer out of you?
                                                              I think that not only the White House but also
                         Which is your favourite corner in the house   the landscape, the rocks, the simplicity and the
                         and why?                             majesty of nature, which has played significant
                         Unarguably the armchair of Lawrence Durrell.   role in the location of the house, are enough to
                         When you sit on it looking outside the blue of   give every visitor a stimulus to discover his writ-
                         the sea, it is enough to give you the tranquility   ing talent.
                         and the relaxation you seek!
                                                              Which do you consider the best period to en-
                         What have you heard from clients who see the   joy the greatness of the Corfian land?
                         house and have read about it in Lawrence’s   In May and September. They are the best
                         books?                               months, in my opinion, because there is not
                         The clients are reading about the house in the   so much heat, and the visitor can easily enjoy
                         books, but only when they come to visit they get   walks, do activities and marvel the nature with
                         a complete idea about the place that inspired   its beautiful colours.
                         Lawrence Durrell to stay with his wife and the
                         insights he took from the surroundings, the peo-  What do you love in the island?
                         ple, the tranquility and the relaxed nature of   There are many things to love in Corfu. It is the
                         Kalami in order to form his character as a writer.   island of history and music. It has the sun, it
                                                              combines mountain and sea, and its architecture
                         In your opinion, what is it that still holds alive   is magnificent. So many architectural styles in
                         the aura of the Durrells not only in the White   such a tiny island.

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